Catppuccin for spyder

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  1. With Spyder closed, open ~/.spyder-py3/spyder.ini.
  2. Scroll to the [appearance] section, and add the theme(s) you would like to the names variable, such as 'catppuccin/mocha'.
names = ['catppuccin/frappe', 'catppuccin/latte', 'catppuccin/macchiato',
         'catppuccin/mocha', 'emacs', 'idle', ..., 'zenburn']
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the [appearance] section, and append the contents of either dist/all.ini or the specific flavor you would like, such as mocha.ini, to the end of the [appearance] section. Note that flavors you add must match the flavors you added to the names variable.
  2. Launch spyder and change the theme in Preferences > Appearance > Syntax Highlighting Theme. If you are using latte, also switch the Interface Theme to Light or Automatic.

Modifying themes

You may modify the theme in Preferences > Appearance > Edit Selected Theme.

DO NOT CLICK Reset to Defaults. This will crash the preferences menu until you reinstall the theme.


  • Q: "Why does the interface theme not change?" A: Spyder does not currently allow theming of the window. We will add an interface theme when it is possible.

💝 Thanks to