Catppuccin for python

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Install with pip or your preferred dependency management tool.

pip install catppuccin


>>> from catppuccin import Flavour
>>> Flavour.latte().mauve.hex
>>> Flavour.mocha().teal.rgb
(148, 226, 213)

Flavour is a dataclass, so you can inspect its fields to get access to the full set of colour names and values:

>>> from dataclasses import fields
>>> flavour = Flavour.frappe()
>>> for field in fields(flavour):
        colour = getattr(flavour,
        print(f"{}: #{colour.hex}")
rosewater: #f2d5cf
flamingo: #eebebe
pink: #f4b8e4
base: #303446
mantle: #292c3c
crust: #232634

Pygments Styles

This package provides a Pygments style for each of the four Catppuccin flavours.

Install Catppuccin with the pygments feature to include the relevant dependencies:

pip install catppuccin[pygments]

The styles are registered as importlib entrypoints, which allows Pygments to find them by name:

>>> from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name
>>> get_style_by_name("catppuccin-frappe")

The following style names are available:

  • catppuccin-latte
  • catppuccin-frappe
  • catppuccin-macchiato
  • catppuccin-mocha

They can also be accessed by directly importing them:

from catppuccin.extras.pygments import MacchiatoStyle


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This project is maintained with Poetry. If you don't have Poetry yet, you can install it using the installation instructions.

Install the project's dependencies including extras:

poetry install -E pygments

Code Standards

Before committing changes, it is recommended to run the following tools to ensure consistency in the codebase.

isort .
black .
pylint catppuccin
mypy .
pytest --cov catppuccin

These tools are all installed as part of the dev dependency group with Poetry. You can use poetry shell to automatically put these tools in your path.

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