Catppuccin for prismlauncher

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  1. Download your preferred style:
  1. Open your local Prism Launcher Directory:
  • Windows: %appdata%\PrismLauncher\themes\custom
  • Linux: ~/.local/share/PrismLauncher/themes/custom
  • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/themes/custom
  • Flatpak: ~/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/themes/custom
  1. Replace theme.json and themeStyle.css with the Catppuccin theme of your choice.

  2. Restart Prism Launcher, then open global settings. In the Launcher section, click the User Interface tab and under the Colors dropdown select the Catppuccin theme you downloaded. Press the Close button and the theme will be applied.


  • Q: "Why isn't (this) themed?"
  • A: Unfortunately some sections of Prism Launcher cannot be themed due to Qt using them.

💝 Thanks to