Catppuccin for helix

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  1. Helix itself includes the default variant of the theme. For other variants, copy the contents of the themes/... folder into $HOME/.config/helix/themes/ to overwrite.
  2. Choose a palette (latte, frappe, macchiato, mocha) and add theme = "catppuccin_(palette)" to your config.toml
  3. (Optional) modify your $HOME/.config/helix/config.toml to activate features:
    line-number = "relative"
    cursorline = true
    color-modes = true
    insert = "bar"
    normal = "block"
    select = "underline"
    render = true

Modify themes

Modfiy the themes by editing the template (data/template.tmpl), the palettes (/data/palettes) or the configs (/data/configs). To generate all the themes execute python

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