Catppuccin for floris-board

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  1. Download the file (Releases)
  2. Open the app
  3. Click on Theme
  4. Click on Manage Installed Themes
  5. Import
  6. Click on Select files
  7. Select the file in the file manager
  8. It will display the theme info and click on Import
  9. Select the flavour you want!


  • "More about the App"

    • The github for the app is here
  • "Which flavours does it comes with?"

    • It comes with all 4 currently available flavours (Latte,Macchiato,Mocha and Frappe) with bordered and borderless versions and it also comes with a special Catppuccin 1.0 theme as well!
  • "I want to change the Enter key colour"

    • See Editing Instruction

Editing the theme

Go to Manage Installed Themes , Click on Edit under Catppuccin and then edit your desired colorscheme.

To change the enter key colour , set the Primary Color key to your desired color and if you want to make it match the background(make it borderless) then change Key code = [10] value from Primary Color to Common Surface

💝 Thanks to